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Late Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson said,
"It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."

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Friday, August 10, 2012


It has finally been declared by the Mayor that Police is the number one priority for the town. He said we found a way to do it. It was also pointed out by the Mayor that the citizens want it. They deserve it. And they deserve to be protected. The Mayor continued to convey that it is also important to keep the county safe. It might mean that something in the general budget did not get as much money as what it should. We can get by to fund our police department. The Mayor then urged the board to vote for it.

During the board meeting, while taking advantage of having the Town of Buffalo's auditor present discussing ways to fund the police, the Honorable Mayor of the Town of Buffalo blurts out “Ok Derrel I’ve had enough of this. We’ve gone back and forth.”  Nipping it in the bud.

Oh wait a minute. It wasn’t the Town of Buffalo’s Mayor that said any of that stuff about police being the number one priority for the town. It wasn’t the Mayor of Buffalo saying that we, as citizens, deserve to be protected. It wasn’t the Mayor of Buffalo saying he found a way to fund police protection. It wasn’t the Town of Buffalo’s Mayor leading us toward solutions.

It was the City of Laverne’s Mayor that came to the board meeting saying those things.  It was Laverne's Mayor bequeathing leadership for the citizens of Buffalo.

It's kind of embarrassing, actually.


  1. We know we have a Mayor and a Town Board with no backbone. We know that Laverne kicks our butts in just about everything. It's not any form of surprise to see our esteemed law breaking, publically disgraced and dismissed then re-elected Mayor lose in a game of one-upsmanship to Laverne's Mayor.
    I wonder if people see the sarcasm in your blog posts?
    They're informative but waiting til the end to tell us what really happened misleads those who fail to read the entire blog post.
    "Buffalo Mayor Toasted by Laverne Mayor" might have attracted more attention and comments.

    1. What was said in the first paragraph were actual quotes from Laverne's Mayor. He received a round of applause from audience members after he spoke. He exalted leadership qualities that are lacking from our trustees. Yes he one upped them. I was not being sarcastic when I said it was embarassing!

  2. Has any of the "changes" at the Sheriff Department had any impact on a potential agreement for law enforcement coverage for Buffalo?
