Well the line has been drawn and the challenge has been declared. Inside Buffalo says, “All you Buffalo Blogspot commenters who either post anonymously or post with a moniker/name volunteering to help clean up Buffalo or do other good deeds... Join Now!”
So I did.
But what about the rest of you blog readers and anonymous posters will you?
Recently a person made an interesting analogy at a C of C meeting that I think may be applicable here. It was about a team of huskies for a dogsled. When the dogs are un-hitched from the sled and they are tied out they sometimes snip at each other a little bit. But when they are hitched up to the sled they all pull together as a team. Nothing else, they just pull together. Their instincts kick in and they work as hard as they can to pull that sled in the right direction.
Here is a chance for all of us to hitch ourselves up to the sled and start pulling the sled in the right direction as a team. The gangline consist of lead dogs, point dogs, swing dogs, wheel dogs, and team dogs. There should be an opportunity for everyone that joins to find a good fit for this mushing effort.
Even though we get tied out to our stakes and sometimes snip at one another now and then, we can still be like a team of huskies and get ourselves hitched up and pull this sled together. It is time to let “our” instincts kick in.
Here is the link to the article that has the opportunity to sign up as a team. Let’s go mushing!
Click Here to Join the Effort